Loaded Hotdogs

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Loaded cheesy hotdogs, perfect for parties, or if you need a quick fix of some bad food, works great as a vegetarian meal - switching the sausages and removing the bacon.
Prep time: 30 minutes


  • 8 Sausages
  • 4 Hotdog Buns
  • 2 Diced onions
  • 4 Diced Tomatoes
  • 1 Diced Pepper
  • 4 Bacon Rashers Diced
  • 100g grated cheese


  • Fry the onions, pepper, tomatoes and bacon in 1 tbsp oil for 10 minutes until beginning to crisp.
  • Roast the sausages in the oven, once cooked warm the hot dog buns through.
  • Layer up the hotdogs in the order of – hotdogs, bacon and onion, tomatoes, burger sauce and mozzarella.
  • Grill for 3 minutes under a medium heat, serve and enjoy.

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